Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Evening of Delicious Food Fails

I came home from work today with an excitement as to what I was to be making this evening.  For dinner I planned a small piece of pork, half a sweet potato, and some coleslaw mix and while that was cooking I was going to make a homemade dark chocolate almond joy recipe found here

While the pork ended up being tasty, when I got home it was not yet defrosted and made me wait longer for dinner.  I decided to smother it in honey mustard dressing, which was not the best idea because it browned much faster than the pork defrosted.  When I went to eat, the pork piece that I chose was less than 1/2 meat and mostly fat.  Yuck.  The sweet potato turned out delicious.  I make the best sweet potato fries if I do say so myself.

Sweet Potato Fries:
Sweet potatoes
Olive Oil

Cut the sweet potato into similar sized fry shapes, and put into a bowl.  Pour olive oil over the top and mix with a spoon to cover the sweet potatoes.  Pour cornstarch, salt, and pepper on top in whatever amounts you prefer.  Mix again with the spoon to coat.  Place the fries in a single layer on a baking sheet and put in the oven at 350 degrees until a fork easily cuts the sweet potato.

I wanted an easy vegetable, so I took a small amount of my coleslaw lunch mix and put the honey mustard dressing on top.  This is not a very good mix, at least with the dressing that I had used.  I ate it, but not very happily.  Now we know.

Now onto dessert!

I had some leftover coconut and some chocolate that had gotten melted out of shape in my car, so what better to make than almond joys!

Go to the gluten free blondie blog for the delicious recipe

I made this according to the recipe except the chocolate and fleur de sel (whatever that is!).  The chocolate that I had was a 90% cocoa brick (my absolute favorite chocolate at the moment).  This unfortunately, was not good for coating the almond joys.  In order to do so, the chocolate needed to be very hot and it caused the coconut mixture to start to seperate.  They do not look like they are supposed to, but boy are they delicious!  And they very quickly melt in your fingers for a delicious snack after dessert as well!

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